As ministers of the Gospel, our greatness is not in our ability to preach. It’s not in the articulation of words or the eloquence of speech. It’s not in the charismatics that we often ascribe to our genres of preachers or evangelists. In fact, it has nothing to do with skill or expertise. It is simply, and quite powerfully, Jesus Christ – the one who was crucified.

A compete focus of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ, spoken in plain truth yields results that only the power of the Holy Spirit can produce. If we preach from the fullness of His Spirit, transformation occurs. Preach from the opposite (the flesh) and we give no room or power to Holy Spirit to function.

It is, therefore, our responsibility as ministers of the Gospel to hone our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in every word that we speak, every homiletic utterance, to ensure that all glory is given to God and God alone and that Jesus Christ is exalted in the presence of lives needing to be transformed.

Doing so requires every man or women who expounds the word of God to die to him/herself and to allow the Holy Spirit to indwell them while producing precisely the message that God wants for His people. This sets the stage for people to know Jesus as Christ, to be transformed, and to live the victorious life that He gives.

[tweetable]To set the stage for victorious living, set the stage for Christ.[/tweetable]