Many lessons have been taught to us by our mothers. I can name a few but I’d rather you think of the ones your mother has taught you – life lessons, proper manners – all the things that have molded us into who we are today.

Generally, during our Mother’s Day service, the men take charge and give the women, our mothers, a day off. The message is typically given by our pastor and he shares some insight on how we should appreciate our mothers. This past Mother’s Day was slightly different. How so? Our church mother (as we have in many African American churches) gave the message. As with most Mother’s Day messages, it was one of appreciation for mothers. But, this one included something I had not heard before. What I learned on Mother’s Day is that motherhood is a divine calling.

Motherhood Is A Divine Calling

While many women are mom to someone, not all are mothers. Motherhood is a divine calling and like all callings it can be accepted or denied. Those who choose to accept the calling of motherhood, choose to accept with it the long nights of parenting beyond the scope of what any book on parenting could provide. Those who choose to accept the calling of motherhood ultimately accept a life of sacrifice, a life of giving, a life of teaching, a life of making promises and keeping them.

[tweetable]Motherhood doesn’t start with child birth and it doesn’t end with our children graduating from high school or college.[/tweetable] It is a life-long responsibility, a life-long calling. And, those who choose to accept it, walk in it and fulfill that role are truly the mothers of not only their own children but the children of the village they live in.

So, shout out to all the women who have accepted the calling of motherhood. May your work never be in vain and may you be blessed by the countless lives that you touch. And, of course, thank you to my wife, the mother of my two sons, not just for being a good mom but an incredible mother.